Articles in popular press / on public portals
2016, June: Thaler, Anita (2016). Bildungswege abseits von Geschlechterstereotypen ermöglichen. ExpertInnenbeitrag für die Webseite Elternbildung, [15.6.2016]
016, June: Föger, Nicole/Garber, Karin/Grießler, Erich/Gschmeidler, Brigitte/Hafellner, Silvia/Karner, Sandra/Polt, Wolfgang/Reckling, Falk/Schiffbänker, Helene/ Schuch, Klaus/Thaler, Anita/Weber, Matthias/Whitelegg, Katy/Wolfslehner, Doris/Wroblewski, Angela (2016): Positionspapier ‚Verantwortungsbewusste Forschung und Innovation‘ Begriffsbestimmung, Herausforderungen, Handlungsempfehlungen. Plattform RRI Österreich. [23.6.2016]
2016, March 30. “Interdisciplinary Gender and master day – 2016 Edition” (Journée interdisciplinaire Genre et Master)- ESPE-UPEC Website. See Announcement – doc n°18 attached, See feedback Article – doc 19 attached
2016, June. “National poster campaign against sexual harassment in Higher education and research and at UPEC” (Campagne d’affiche nationale contre le harcèlement sexuel dans l’Enseignement supérieur et la recherché. Upec Hebdo n° 259 – June, 2016 20. See Announcement – doc n°20 attached
2016, September 28-29-30. “Get back on the closing GenderTime international conference” (Retour sur le conférence internationale de clôture) – Upec Hebdo n° 269, 2016 October 18. See article on the conference meeting- doc n° 21 attached
June 2014-September 2016.”Publication of the guide entitled “Gender equality in scientific careers and in higher education and research” (Parution du guide Egalité femmes-hommes dans les métiers scientifiques et l’Enseignement supérieur et la recherche). Upec Hebdo n° 246, 2016 March 14. See Announcement – doc n°22 attached
2016, November 17. “New! The practical manual dedicated to new gender equality officers” ECEPIE website, 2016 November 24.
2016, November 21. Conference on “Gender Equality in scientific careers and in higher education and research” See Announcement– doc n°23 attached
2015, January 16. “5th Gender at Noon» (Midi du genre) around “Gender at the very heart of migration” (Le genre au Coeur des migrations). Upec Hebdo, 2015 January 6. See announcement in Upec hebdo – document n° 14 attached
2015, March 11. “International Women Day 2015. 2nd Master and Gender at UPEC around the submitting by students of their gender research”- Poster; “Study day on Master and Gender at UPEC”. Upec Hebdo n° 204, 2015 February 26 See article in document n° 15 attached
2015, April 8-9. “Gender, didactic and training study days”- ESPE-UPEC Website.
2015, November 5. “Practical guide for a public communication free of stereotypes” Upec Hebdo n°233, 2015 November 23.
2015, November. “Prevention and treatment of sexual harassment in higher education and research”. Upec Hebdo n° 234, 2015, November 30.
2015, December 11. “Gender and education at Upec. Meeting and exhibition within the Gender at noon” (Midi du genre) – Poster; “Girls and boys at school, exhibition of the former books at ESPE of Bonneuil”. Upec Hebdo, 2015, December 10 See article in Upec Hebdo – doc n°16 attached
2015, November 17- December 15. “Plural Infinities” (Infinités plurielles). “140 women scientists tell you about sciences you could only dream of before”. Upec Hebdo n° 235, 2015, December. See programme- doc n°17 attached
2014, March 3 : Come back on public presentation of the “Do the domestic control give a real power?”” book : Summary record. The UPEC Hebdo (See doc attached UPEC-n° 4)
2014, Mach 28 : UPEC Participation in the first day on research organised by the CNRS within the INTEGER Project. The UPEC Hebdo (See doc attached UPEC-n°5)
2014, May 5 : A communication on the Staff cultural survey publication. The UPEC Hebdo (See doc attached UPEC-n°6)
2014, May 20 : Come back on public presentation of the “Single women, atypical women” book : Summary record. The UPEC Hebdo (See doc attached UPEC-n° 7)
2014, September 25. Come back on public presentation of the “Dictionary on gender and political science” book : Summary record. The UPEC Hebdo (See doc attached UPEC-n°8)