- To monitor the outcome of the tailor made Action Plans in each GenderTime institution.
- To monitor the tailor made performance indicators in each GenderTime institution.
- To facilitate the development of benchmarking indicators and balanced scorecards as part of the monitoring process.
Description of work:
- Task 1. Monitoring the outcome of the tailor made action plans in all GenderTime institutions.
- Task 2. Organizing and coordinating the use of performance indicators (questionnaires, checklists, interview guides, guidelines for team discussion) in all GenderTime institutions (all GenderTime partners).
- Task 3. Development of facilitating tools and indicators to ensure proper monitoring of results of the Action Plans.
- 3.1 Interviews and focus group discussions with European experts on organizational challenges for implementing Gender Equality Action Plans.
- 3.2 Analysis of the interview and focus group material.
- 3.3 Compilation of a report based on the gathered data.
- Task 4. Facilitating the sharing of results in the GenderTime consortium through workshops and on-site visits (together with WP2 and WP4).
- D 3.1 Monitoring Progress Report (Month 30).
- D 3.2 Final report. Comparative analysis of Tailor Made Performance Indicators (Month 48, part of D1.3).
Other deliverables common with WP4:
- D 4.1 Didactical workshop concept for knowledge transfer aimed at transfer agents (Month 4)
- D 4.2 Didactical workshop concept for knowledge transfer aimed at transfer agents and multipliers inside GenderTime (month18)
- D 4.3 Didactical workshop concept for knowledge transfer workshop for transfer agents and multipliers (month 30)
- D 4.5 Organisation of the knowledge transfer workshop for multipliers as part of the final conference (month 45)
Other results: