- Badaloni S., Manganelli A. M., Perini L., Restiglian E. (2015), Gender awareness. Assessing gender culture in Academia. Some results at UNIPD, Italy, Poster accepted at the international conference “Gendersummit7, Quality, Research and Innovation through Equality”, Berlin, 6-7 november 2015
- Badaloni S. (2015), Logical rules underlying a scientific method for gendered innovation. Int. conference “Gendersummit7, Quality, Research and Innovation through Equality”, Berlin, 6-7 november 2015, Gender Summit 7 Abstract Compendium p.66
- Badaloni S., Manganelli A. M., Perini L., Restiglian E. (2015), Monitoring gender awareness in Academia. Some results at the University of Padua, Italy, abstract accepted at EPWS, International Conference on Gender Dimension in Science and Research, Berlin, November 4th, 2015
- 2015, November: J. Dahmen, H. Peterson, „To belong, or not belong - Networks as career facilitators in European research institutions“ at the 4S Annual Meeting in Denver, USA, on November 12, 2015. J
- J. Dahmen, S. Achterberg „Potential of EC-projects for gender equality policy and gender research“, at 13th Working Meeting of the Conference of Institutions for Women’s and Gender Studies in the German speaking Area (KEG), Bielefeld, Germany, 12.-13.2.2015. (together with Sabine Bohne, EGERA proejct)
- J. Dahmen, H. Peterson “Nurseries, Networks and Non-Discriminatory Policies: Gender Equality Measures in European Academia”, International Conference "Women in Academic World", Paris, France, 25.-27.3.2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiq6Rxw1U5o
- Dahmen, J. and Peterson, H.: To belong, or not belong. Networks as career facilitators in European research institutions. 2015 Annual Meeting Society for Social Studies of Science. Denver, Colorado, November 11-14 2015.
- Siebenhandl, K.; Mayr, E., 2015: GenderTime: Evaluation of Measures for Women Encouragement in Science Organisations; womENcourage online proceedings, ACM, Uppsala.
- Peterson, H. and Dahmen, J.: A Tough Job But Someone Has To Do It. Experiences of GEnder Equality Experts in European Research Organizations. ESA 2015 - 12th conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, 24-28 August 2015.
- Barnard, S., Hassan, T., Dainty, A and Bagilhole, B. (2015) ‘Doing action research in STEM research and academia: what are the possibilities for addressing gender inequality in higher education contexts?’ ESA 2015 - 12th conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, 24-28 August 2015.
- Siebenhandl, K., Gindl, M.: Gendertime; Impact Evaluation As Part of the Learning Process at SASE International Conference: Inequality in the 21st Century; 03.07.2015, London, Great Britain.
- De Rossi, M., Restiglian, E.: Teleworking As a Measure of Work-Life Balance and a Factor of Quality at the University of Padua, SASE International Conference: Inequality in the 21st Century; 03.07.2015, London, Great Britain.
- Badaloni, S., Godfroy, A., Perini, L.: About Glass Ceiling Index GCI , SASE International Conference: Inequality in the 21st Century; 03.07.2015, London, Great Britain.
- Godfroy, A., Badaloni, S.: Measuring and Monitoring Gender Equality in the Academia: A Comparative Approach of Recent European Gender Equality Plans, Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge Conference, 4 – 6 June 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Peterson, H., Dahmen, J.:FIfty shades of equality. A European Perspective on Gender Equality Policies in Research Institutions, International Conference on Gender and Education: Critical Issues, Policy and Practice at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, May 28-30 2015.
- Béraud, A.: GenderTime project, 5th GenderSummit, Cap Town, Africa, April 2015.
- Janev, V, Vranes, S., Paunovic, D.: Structural changes, gender and research and innovation potential: Case study in the ICT domain, Second International Conference on Advances in Management, Economics and Social Science - MES 2015, Rome, Italy, April 18-19, 2015.
- Godfroy, A.: The Cumulative Effects of Science Norms on Gender Inequalities in Academic Careers : lessons learned from the GenderTime project, TRIGGER Conference "Women in academic world", Paris, March 2015.
- 2015, December 12: Anita Thaler talks about “How can knowledge exchange lead to changes of gender policies?”, 4S 2015, Society for Social Studies of Science, Denver, Colorado, USA.
2015, August 25-28: Thomas Berger giving a talk about “Recognition vs. Self-fulfilment: alternative male career paths in science and research” at the ESA 2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
2015, June 24-26. Birgit Hofstätter giving a talk about “Remix video in the classroom: Working with underprivileged youths on critical media participation” at the GEA Conference 2015, Gender and Education Association Conference 2015, London, Great Britain.
2015, June 25-26: Anita Thaler and Birgit Hofstätter giving a talk about “Implementing gender equality actions: triggering learning processes in organisational contexts” at the GEA Conference 2015, Gender and Education Association Conference 2015, London, Great Britain.
2015, June 24-26: Magdalena Wicher giving a talk about “A gender perspective on technology education in extracurricular activities – A comparative evaluation of two technology-learning programmes” at the GEA Conference 2015, Gender and Education Association Conference 2015, London, Great Britain.
2015, June 24-26. Thomas Berger and Anita Thaler giving a talk about “Youth interests as vehicles for gender-reflexive science and technology education” at the GEA Conference 2015, Gender and Education Association Conference 2015, London, Great Britain.
2015, September 25: Magdalena Wicher at a networking meeting from the section on “Gender and technology” within the Gender Studies Association Austria.