On Monday, October 13, 2014 GenderTime project was presented at the NoSQL-net meeting hosted by Hanna Köpcke co-founder of Webdata Solutions GmbH. Female researchers from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Lena Wiese), Charles University Prague (Irena Holubova Mlynkova) and Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” (Valentina Janev) visited this young and dynamic enterprise in order to discuss ICT topics and share know-how and scientific experience of common interest.
Dr. Hanna Köpcke, co-founder of Webdata Solutions GmbH
Webdata solutions possesses one of the global leading technologies for intelligent market analysis on the Internet and the matching of huge amounts of data. The technology was developed during seven years of sound university research. The three founders, Carina Röllig, Hanna Köpcke and Sabine Maßmann played critical roles in the process, which eventually led to the formation of Webdata Solutions GmbH in January of 2012. Webdata Solutions GmbH is fast-growing company and currently has more than 30 employees.
NoSQL-net is a project "NoSQL-Net: Verwaltung von verknüpften Daten in NoSQL-Datenbanken unter Schemaevolution" (01DS13026) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.