Individual achievements are 'underestimated', Wiener Zeitung, 15.10.2013

Some great news from our colleague Anita Thaler at IFZ. She has been quoted in a newspaper article in Austrian's Wiener Zeitung, 15.10.2013, Cathren Landsgesell (journalist):

The article is referring to ACR Women Award 2013 which has been awarded to Victoria Heinrich, aged 26. The award particularly addresses females in applied science and wants to highlight and support their outstanding scientific achievements. She is a food technologist working as researcher at OFI ("Österreichische Forschungsinstitut für Chemie und Technik").
Anita Thaler has been quoted as an expert in the field of science studies. Here is the original quote in German:
"In der betrieblichen Forschung kommt hinzu, dass dort, anders als an der Universität, individuelle Leistungen "unterbewertet" werden, wie die Wissenschaftsforscherin Anita Thaler in einer Untersuchung schreibt:"Patente und Publikationen werden sehr häufig als Team- oder Unternehmenserfolge interpretiert.""

"In applied industrial research it adds to, that compared to research at universities, individual achievements are 'underestimated', as Anita Thaler science studies researcher is writing: "Patents and publications are mainly interpreted as success of a team or company."" (transl.DF/IFZ)

Link to the newspaper article: