2016 November 21: Yvonne Pourrat and André Béraud organised in the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research a workshop with the French institution implementing GenderTime tools.
2016, September 28: Anita Thaler and Magdalena Wicher organizing and hosting a Stakeholder-Workshop about Gender Equality in Research and Academia at the GenderTime International Conference.
28th September 2016: Gendertime Stakeholder workshop. Sarah Barnard chaired table on sustainability of GEP, Adam Crawford and Anthea Rose from the LoU team participated. Also attending was Abida Akram, Equality and Diversity Officer (Loughborough University) and Head of Women’s Development (The University of Nottingham).
2016, July 23: Anita Thaler talks about „The Psychology of Gender Inequalities in Science and Technology” and organises a workshop „Women’s Careers in Science“ at summer program, Ochanomizu University Tokyo, Japan
2016, May 9-10: Anita Thaler and Birgit Hofstätter organising a gender-panel at 15th STS Conference 2016: “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”, May 09-10, 2016, Graz, Austria.
2016, July: Workshop organized by Jennifer Dahmen on „Women’s Careers in Science“, International Summer Programme for Students an der Ochanomizu Universität, Tokio, 23.7.2016. (together with Natascha Compes und Anita Thaler) Invited talk by Jennifer Dahmen on „The image of STEM“, Techniksalon, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 28.4.2016. http://www.technik-salon.de/2016/04/28/mann-frau-maschine.html
2016, April: Horizon 2020 Workshop for female researchers at the University of Wuppertal by Jennifer Dahmen and Susanne Achterberg (22.4.2016)
2016, April: A Lecture series on gender issues during the summer term 2016 at the University of Wuppertal. Including a presentation on GenderTime at the kick-off on 12.4.2016 by Jennifer Dahmen and Susanne Achterberg.
Sarah Barnard joint-Chair Loughborough University’s Research Staff Association (January 2013-March 2015) Committee Member (April 2015-present). The association has run many events over the course of the project.
2016, November 21. UPEC: Organization and participation in ECEPIE International conference on “ Gender Equality in scientific careers, in higher education and research”. Paris, France.
2016, September 28-29-30. UPEC: Organization and participation in Paris in the GenderTime International Conference “Transferring, Implementing, Monitoring gender Equality in Research Careers” and in the Transfer knowledge workshop linked to the Conference.
2016, March 30. UPEC: Organisation and participation to the 2nd “Interdisciplinary Gender and master day” (Journée interdisciplinaire Genre et Master), a common theme day around gender courses at Upec. UPEC, France. See Poster – doc n° 11 attached
2016, December 13: Magdalena Wicher at a Panel Discussion at University of Graz about “Feminism and Science”.
2016 December 7th, Yvonne Pourrat participated to the event organised in UNIPD about GenderTime achievements.
2016, September 29: Sandra Karner and Anita Thaler talk about “Knowledge transfer agents as catalysts for changing gender policies and practices in research”, GenderTime International Conference, September 29-30, 2016, Paris
2016, August 22: Anita Thaler helds a key note talk „Das Paradoxon der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien: Von allen genutzt, von zu wenigen studiert?“ at women’s IT summer school ditact: University Salzburg
2016, June 10. Anita Thaler holds a key note talk „Bildungswege abseits von Rollenklischees“, Tagung des Bundesministeriums für Familie und Jugend zu „Geschlechtssensible Erziehung und ihre Berücksichtigung in der Elternbildung“, Salzburg, Austria.
2016, February 26: Sandra Karner, Magdalena Wicher attending a meeting of the RRI-platform Austria.
2016, February 12: Sandra Karner and Magdalena Wicher participate in the Workshop “'Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – Qualitätskriterien und Indikatoren” organised by Joanneum Research, Austrian RRI-platform, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Education, Vienna, Austria.
2016, August: Visit of Svenja Schulze, Minister for Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, at the University of Wuppertal. The minister informed herself about current gender and diversity activities at the University of Wuppertal. Transfer agent Christel Hornstein attended the meeting and gave a talk about gender equality work including GenderTime. ·
2016, May: Loughborough University Claudia Parsons Lecture, speaker Dr Helen Czerski, 11th May 2016, attended by Sarah Barnard
2016, September: Michaela Gindl took part at the 9th Conference on Gender in Higher Education (https://9euconfgender.sciencesconf.org/) at Paris.